Monday, January 26, 2009


Family, the one thing that is constant in our lives. The one thing that we can count on. In these times of uncertainty they are what is truly important. I had the opportunity this past weekend to spend time with the people that I love that truly matter in my world. My parents came to visit and I am blessed to still have them both here. It was nice for my kids to spend some time with them. I know it isn't their most favorite thing in the world but they will some day look back and cherish these times.

My parent are from Upper Michigan and it was nice to have them here. We took our usual trip to IKEA which I love since I never go there. My mom loves the store and we always get some great ideas. We came home with inspiration and attempted to reorganize my kitchen. My kitchen is small but I believe there is adequate space if it was organized right. So we made some big adjustment and I am excited to see how it works out. I would like to get some nice containers to store rice, pasta, etc. You know what I mean when you watch on TV those nice organized cabinets not the ones that you are afraid to open for fear of having something fall out on you. A nice peace to open a cabinet that is neat and organized now that would be wonderful. My mom has a great gift with doing that stuff and I LOVE when she comes and helps me figure out a better way. I am looking forward to her coming back again after my surgery to help out. It is so nice spending time with her. Doesn't have to be anything special just spending quality time.

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