I have thought about hiding this from not only myself but from others who can help me with yet another binge. This binge was bigger and longer than the last. I had not desire to stop it and let it continue as long as I needed it to. I know I consumed thousands of calories and now I sit here early this morning with the my thought of the "after"math.
I sit here and wonder how I move forward from this now. Do I hit the cardio equipment in attempt to get rid of some of the damage that was done. Do I do a "fast" today to not consume any more calories for today to compensate for yesterday out of control eating. Do I just move forward the best that I can.
I have decided that the "normal" and sane thing to do is to move forward the best that I can. But I still question why did it happen? After 5 months of hard dedicated work why did I fall? I guess I could try to guess all the reason and I could continue to have this negative conversation with myself but I know deep down that this will NOT empower me to move forward to achieve peace with food and fitness.
I read lots and lots of blog and some of the women seem to have some what of a help relationship with food and their bodies. I wish for that too. How do I achieve that? How do I find a health medium ground?
I trust that I will find that path on my journey. As always I look forward to the people in the blogging world for support and hope. Thanks for reading.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hey, If I ate like I did when I first started the program I would be 80 lbs by now ;) Sometimes I look back and wonder if i'll ever have that mindset back.
I would not taste, lick or touch anything that wasn't on that paper. Now I will see if the pasta noodle is cooked right for Mike(before IBS, gah no way will I do that now). I'll lick the brownie bowl and snag a chocolate chip out of a cookie. I find if i'm not SUPER strict I won't eat an entire jar of PB or 2.
Last month I had a bag of blue chips. It took me an entire month to finish them. Angela as my witness I finished a bag of them after our last show.
I think at first it's great to follow things to the letter so your body will respond. I'm not sure how bad your cheat was but I would do a liquid day. Or eat a breakfast and cut back on the carbs, liquids the rest of the day but for dinner eat a salad with lean protein.
I'm still working on my mindset and it's alot better than before dreambodies I know that.
Another thing...sorry for the novel. Don't do extra cardio unless you REALLY want too. The more it seems like a chore the more you'll hate it. Or get outside and walk or ride a bike.
Do cardio (not excessively) & eat as if it never happened (when you are hungry.) And check your email! :)
I have just read the book Women Food and God (author was on Oprah last month) and it helps us understand why we binge and makes us have a better relationship with food and not abuse ourselves through it....it helped me a lot!
Hope it helps you...
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