Here is a picture of us when we went and saw my son play his spring football game last weekend. My hair did look good before it started misting, with that and a little humidity mixed in that is what you get! :) We enjoyed seeing him and look forward to next fall to watching him play.
I am now entering my 12th week with Tony and the dreambodies program. I have had zero cheat and am doing well. Tony added an additional 25 minute of cardio into my mix and I have to admit I was wondering how and if I was going to be able to do it. But I am happy to report that I was able to do all five cardio sessions this week with the additional 25 minutes. It was so empowering to achieve this and it makes it even more clear to me that you can do anything you put your mind to.
I continue to try to stay patient with my legs. There has been small improvements but this part it going to take time and a lot of patience.
I had a conversation with Sarabeth the other day about beauty. This was a very difficult conversation for me. What is beauty? What makes some one beautiful? I had an assignment to find three pictures of women that I thought were beautiful. It was really difficult. There were many that I thought were cute but not beautiful, but what was it that made someone beautiful? I am still not quite sure if I have figure that out for myself. And the big question is can I find myself beautiful? I do have very rare moments that I look in the mirror and I see my beauty and it totally freaks me out. If I thought I was beautiful would that make me stuck up? Would I see myself as better than someone else? I think those are the emotions that come up for me. But what a wonderful gift it would be to have, look in the mirror and see and feel beautiful.
I would love to get your feedback on this.
I think I am going to do progress pictures next weekend so stay tuned!
Take a look at the Lady in the picture. You can see that you look much younger than you actually are.
You can see that compared to the person you were in that old picture, you're not just healthier but also more beautiful, glowing and radient.
You have made so much more of the person you used to be. You have changed so much and you have blossomed incredibly.
It's an unbelievable transformation and a truly inspiring and beautiful one as well.
You are a superb rolemodel now to younger people, about how to live and also being human, because you are occasionally fallible, but you are so touching and endearing as well.
You are such a likeable petson that makes people want to know you and be touched by you.
You are someone that in my humble opnion, is a lot more beautiful than ever before and some of that beauty comes from within.
So take it as read, you are someone that is beautiful, you have such a lot of "youthful maturity" and you deserve to be so proud of yourself, for what you have acheived and how you look.
Most importantly though, you can be proud, knowing that your family should hopefully have you in their lives, for a lot longer than might have been the case, if you'd not done anything to change your life.
So have a look at the picture you posted on your message and let yourself have a really big smile and let yourself really feel the very finest of emotions, about how you look and are as a person.
You deserve to feel so positively, because you are an outstanding person and I've always been proud to have supported you and seen how much further you've come, in roughly the last 11 months.
Don't forget as well, that no matter what someomes suggests or says you should do, their adivce, programmes and regimen are nohting without your consistency and 100% or as close to effort. You have done so much ot kep the food and exercise on track and pushed yourself recently and that is a big reason why you are making more happen for yourself.
So WELL DONE and keep going. Being a strong female can be healthy and beautiful. You're proving the point, like some people 20-25+ years younger than you.
I'm proud of what you have acheived and I AM proud to have been here, so THANK YOU and don't let up for a moment yeah.
:-) :-).
I suspect the above poster is spamming. Best that post be removed.
Awww Kathi... just catching up on your blog... I don't get on the computer as much as I would like these days. But I love reading over your posts. The best part about working with Tony is you really don't have to analyze your progress and watch your symmetry... he's watching it all the time... he knows those areas you need to work... and he's tricking you into doing what it takes. Keep doing what you are doing... it's really working... this is a lifestyle... keep filling your head with everything it takes to make this lifestyle fun and exciting. As far as being beautiful... its what is inside of you that makes the outside shine... you are beautiful... I feel it... don't concentrate on the body parts concentrate on the individual... and do what it takes to make her shine :) Making the right choices... moving in the right direction will make you feel brighter than making the wrong choices and moving in the wrong direction. I love your posts, keep them up and I can't wait for progress pictures :)
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